Time Out With Ziffy Jacobs: Another Place

The photo gods were  "literally" smiling at me when I decided to go and see Antony Gromley's "Another Place" at Crosby Beach, Sefton.

Photo gods.

After a 40min Journey, I was at Crosby beach and was ready to perceive. I first got pulled in by the little waves on a lake, "Crosby Marine Lake". Its a small lake right before you get to the beach where Gromley had his piece installed.

Little Waves

Welcome to Another Place.

Welcome to Another Place

There was a little bit of disappointment at first site because Gromley's installations are scattered all over the place and are far from each other. It was also quite windy and the beach had patches of water with natural dirt.

First Site

At this point, I was in doubt and it was strongly because I had pre-meditated shots (Sunset long exposed shots) in my head and nothing was really going according to plan. I decided to draw inspiration from the pattern of the sand as I drew closer to one of Gromley's installation which was closer to the water. The patterns varied as I drew closer and closer.





Finally, I get close to One of Gromleys installations and the day felt right again. I could now remember the smile from earlier on, the smile of the gods. I decided to make shots out of what the day had for me and so I began to perceive. I was able to percieve a beach, a sun dial and relativity.


Sun Dial

As the sun got closer to the horizon, the strength of the wind increased simultaneously. Objects and pets began to obey the wind but the most obedient element on the beach was its sands. They softly but quickly hovered immediately above solid ground creating a calming effect.

Calming Effect

The obedient beach sand slowly began to swallow my feet and fill my shoes as it creeped through the joints on my camera and tripod. I had to leave now, myself and my gear were at risk. Bye bye Crosby.

Bye bye Crosby


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