Time Out With Shevy

Today's images are with; Shevon (Shevy). The day wasn't exactly my cup of tea until the sun gave it some light. We were headed for town to do some grocery shopping and some shopping.


Today Lit Up

Shevy in Today's Light

After walking for a while, I tried to stage a scene but it was way too cold for her to stay focused and she didn't really know exactly what I was trying to achieve.


Suddenly, the sun was away and I was back to the cup of tea that wasn't mine. I left her to travel in her own pattern as I tried to perceive her through the lens.

Shevy Through The Lens

This was up until we saw some super cars, an F1 racing car and Lita. Lita wanted a photo beside one of the cars and Shevy got a bit excited. We did not know Lisa.

Super Cars


Selfie on the Way

Perceiving through the lens came to a halt after this point because I got occupied with traffic and helping her and myself out in stores but I couldn't miss this shot.

This Shot


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