Time Out with Kesh (CEO)

It was a good day to stay indoors till I saw the light!

The Light!

Today's time out is with Kesh, (CEO). I Had no business spending the day with him prior to "The Light". He was headed for the city centre (Liverpool) to get some toiletries and make some complaints.

Lets begin with him in the living room completing the episode of top gear he was perceiving while he took a look out his window then move on to a selfie in the elevator as we both head downstairs.

Looking Out

Selfie in the Elevator

Okay, back on track. I had seen an exhibit being put up on my "Time Out" with Shevy from yesterday and today, it was all set up so I was able to seize the view while I left my talent to stay ahead of me.

The View

Ahead of Me

Next up, we walked into a gathering and stared at them for a while till we realised not all of them were real. Some of them were installations, lifeless super human size installations. It was a new series of statues that wasn't present a day ago.

Lifeless Super Human Installations

My Talent was eager to see the super cars from my time out with Shevy but to our suprise, there was a bit more to feast our eyes on.

Super Car From Yesterday

Feasting My Eyes Through the Lens

CEO (Talent) Feasting

CEO's Feast!

We stop our feasting after a few minutes and walked past Temple Lane. I got a shot of Liverpool Radio City Tower while my Talent was on his phone messaging away.

Temple Lane

Liverpool Radio City Tower

Messaging Away

We arrive at the "complaint place", he speaks a few words and we head to tick off the last task for the day. He stops after a while and waits for me to catch up with him, I caught up and let him stay ahead again and again till we walked into his previous boss.

Complaint Place

Kesh Waits

Ahead Again and Again

Previous Boss

Now, we are at the city centre, St Johns and very close to the radio tower and I think Santa may have mistook it for a super chimney.

Super Chimney

We get to Clas Ohlson in the city centre which was his final stop for the day. In there, he wonders why the tools to clean a pressing iron was more expensive than the iron itself, enjoys the stores audio up-close, got excited about a fountain speaker, I buy a camera bag, he buys a selfie stick and we head out to other stores. Yes, I was mistaken; that wasn't the final task.


Audio Up Close

Fountain Speakers

I had an urge to get a general purpose shoe so we went to more stores. The first I got told off taking photos of the mannequins. It got to me but only because I had slightly over-exposed the only shot I was able to take.

Slightly Over-Exposed

Now we are at the third store, he's just cool climbing up the stairs, he texts a little bit more as he waits, I get my shoes then we arrange to meet up with Shevy. She turned out to be in the city centre as well. Shevy was hungry so she had lunch and we bumped into Kimberly!

Cool Climbing Up the Stairs

A little bit More

My Shoes

Met Shevy

Shevy Gets Some Food


Kesh and I set off home afterwards and had to stop at this point because my hands were too full. We helped Shevy carry her bags.


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